Tuesday, July 27, 2010

La Musette has come and gone. We fed about 120 people in 3 nights, 720 plates in all. Yet I still managed to end up with 8 quarts of leftover pickled beets. As a reward, I bought myself a new camera: a Canon S90--as far as I can tell, THE point and shoot for food photography. I have yet to read the user's manual, but here's what I'm doing with my tuesday night:
The recipe is pretty basic: equal parts white wine vinegar and water, salt and sugar. And some onions. To the jars I added some bay leaf, peppercorns and coriander and caraway seeds. Guess I've taken care of my Christmas list.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Buyer's Remorse

This will teach me to look twice when purchasing cheese on sale at QFC. Next post: what NOT to do with Fat Free Feta Cheese.